"I need you to try ceaselessly to climb the very top, if you want to you can see very far"
told our great Brancusi.

Relevant is the fact that the founder of this spiritual space, the Priest Nerva Florea, went to complete a vision about who said: "I have received the commandment of God!". He had many years before, in 1927, when it was the student theologian to Sibiu, where he had a revelation and a voice secretly i was responsible eras: "Where are you going to build a great church".
Find more support in ghelareni (people witch living in Ghelar), people with faith in God, peasants saute the harshness of the place but with a clean soul.Up in the 1990s,"90 in the church were people which came dressed with traditional clothes,high model national consciousness, ,the bearers of the ancient dowry, who enoble the services here.
It's good to know of the existence of such a place, at only 28 km from the Prislop Monastery, which is necessary to discover in trips to places bear spirituality.
At the same time, in the perimeter of the church operates a museum of the place which shelters the wonders: traditional costumes, old books, objects from the padurenilor garden`s and religious objects. The shuer around Chathedral is dominated by the white colour and decotated with marble from Alun carrer , another village from Ținutul Padurenilor. Sunsets, summer, are spectacular, as though seeking to stroked, protector, the cathedral, while inside he sank into a warm glow, unreal feeling