Doughnouts in a pan/ "Pupi" with a spoon


Doughnouts in a pan/ "Pupi With a spoon"

1kg white flour

1 sachet of yeast

1/2 l of warm water

a little salt

150-200 gr sugar

1 baking powder

Put the flour in a higher bowl with the other ingredients and mix with a wooden spoon. Beat the dough in the bowl until it becomes elastic, but not too hard. Then leave it to rise until it grows well and beat with a spoon a little more until it settles, then leave it to grow again for another 10-15 minutes.

Put oil in a saucepan and let it heat up well. It is to be taken from the dough with a spoon soaked in cold water and put in hot oil. Leave to brown on both sides, about 2 minutes on one side (depending on the fire / stove). Then remove with a spatula, placing on a tray / plate, then powder with powdered sugar on top.

 Bon appetite!